„Really ... Really ...” Fang Daozi is bitter and astringent, sad and shrill laughs, he looks once more to his father's form, looks at the middle-aged man of that clothes, he will not forget initially when was suppressed, his father told him, when Ji Clan in it went on an expedition along with Lord Li, on birth Fang Daozi, has gotten down karma. This karma is very deep, has almost leaned then Lord Ji completely Cultivation, lets Fang Clan First Generation Patriarch, is unable to realize. When realizes, all were late, he and Ji Clan makes war, to not compete for Ninth Mountain sea host, but to take revenge. The Fang Daozi laughter is sad and shrill, the body suddenly flies, his mind is very chaotic, he does not want to keep Planet East Victory, he does not want to see the Fang Clan clansman again, his head is very painful, demented directly soars the starry sky. The Meng Hao innermost feelings are complex, he looks at Fang Daozi, looks at First Generation Patriarch, he has cannot help but thought of Ke Yunhai and Ke Jiusi, has thought of own biological father. „Fang Xiufeng Fang Xiufeng, you are really my father ... You throw such dangerous place your biological son, you is a my father, what I did not have the means saying that but can my mother let off you?” Meng Hao thinks of here, is very indignant. Fang Shoudao has not stopped, silently looks to depart Fang Daozi that afterward turns toward First Generation Patriarch to hold the fist in the other hand deeply does obeisance. „Invited Patriarch act, cut to kill to violate my clan!” The First Generation Patriarch look as usual, the right hand lifts as before, toward sky one figure, under this figure, a dreadful murderous intention, suddenly spreads loudly, unexpectedly ... Does not reveal from him, but is ... From entire Planet East Victory, erupts. Every bit of property from Planet East Victory, innumerable constructions, even on all lives, in this flickers, erupted Killing Intent, this was the anger of stars! This murderous intention, directly soars the highest heaven, passed over gently and swiftly Fang Daozi, has not injured him slightly, may actually bump into that three Quasi-Dao old men instant, these three old, extinguishes directly kills. Neat, easily accomplished, three old this have not revolted against the qualifications of struggling, body bang, directly became the flying ash, but this murderous intention, shakes the heavens, the spread starry sky, overtook Ji Xiufang as before, in this female fear to the peak sad and shrill sound, has suddenly cut. „Patriarch saves me!!” Ji Xiufang soul destroyed, even if she is the Dao Realm powerhouse, but at this moment, under such stars murderous intention, is very frail! At this moment, Fang Clan toward Ninth Mountain sea all influences, revealed has hidden for a long time ... Unsurpassed Ba Shi! In order to move to tell all people, Fang Clan ... Past Fang Clan, violated my Fang Clan as before, although far ... Must execute!