2.5. Antagonistic activity on plants
Rice seeds were dipped in the cell suspension of each antagonist (108 cells ml_1), shaken (90 rpm) for 15 min, and air-dried. Seeds were sown in plastic pots (50 seeds per pot) containing sterile soil (60% peat and 40% sand). The pots were placed following a randomized block design in a greenhouse (24–26 _C day: 16–18 _C night). Germination rate was evaluated and disease symptoms were scored twice, 14 and 28 days after sowing, using a 0–4 scale:0 – asymptomatic plants; 1 – plants with chlorotic leaves and delayed growth; 2 – plants with thin and elongated internodes;3 – plants with crown necrosis and severe bakanae symptoms; 4– dead plants due to bakanae disease (Amatulli et al., 2010; Fig. 1). Three replicates were used in each trial. The biocontrol efficacy on rice plants was tested twice.