Using a primary draft questionnaire, a pilot test was conducted with 50 Spanish entrepreneurs, whose responses were excluded from the final study. The questionnaire wasrevisedusingthefeedbackfromthepilot study.Wefirsttranslatedthesurveyintothe prevalent language of each non-English-speaking country, then back-translated it into English, once again translated it into the local language, and finally, retranslated it back into English. If questions arose about the meaning of words or phrases, we sought equivalencyratherthanexacttranslationtoensureaccuraterepresentationoftheconstruct ofinterest.Inordertoachievea higherresponserate,ourletterrequestinginformationwas accompaniedbyourcommitmenttosendacopyofthefindings(ifthefirmwantedustodo so)attheendofthestudy.Inaddition,wealso sentanoriginalandpersonallysignedletter from the president or, if that were not possible, some important figure within each of the Chambers of Commerce in each of the countries analysed in the sample.