Breathing in second hand smoke can make you sick.
Some of the diseases that second hand smoke cause
can kill you.1
What can you do about it?
Protect yourself1
• You have the right to clean air, so politely ask those
who smoke to not smoke when they are near you,
when you are indoors or in a car.
• If they don’t stop smoking, then move away yourself.
• Remind anyone you know who smokes that smoking
is not only bad for them, but harms other people too.
Make your environment smoke free1
• Make your house and car smoke free. Put up
No Smoking signs to let visitors know it’s a smoke
free zone.
Australian state and territories have laws that prohibit
smoking in workplaces, public places, restaurants and
bars. However, millions of children and adults still
breathe in second hand smoke in their homes, cars,
some workplaces and in public places.