3.3 Comparison between simple and modified
grease traps for domestic wastewater treatment
From the comparison study of the wastewater
treatment efficiency between simple and modified
grease traps at 2 L/min and 10 hrs (HRT), it showed
that treatment efficiencies of SS, BOD, and FOG in a
modified grease trap were higher than that of simple
grease trap as shown in Fig. 3. The effluent
characteristics from simple grease trap were 42.58
mg/L (SS), 45.83 mg/L (BOD), and 12.3 mg/L (FOG).
On the other hand, effluent characteristics from a
modified grease trap were 26.13 mg/L (SS), 34.17
mg/L (BOD) and 5.95 mg/L (FOG