To make the collaboration possible between the robot system
and the numerical machine, it is necessary to obtain opportunities
of extorting operations, which are connected with the working
process. Those operations are e.g. opening and closing the door,
closing and opening the lathe chuck jaws and also shifting and
removing the tailstock head. The realization of those operations
can not be extorted by the working program, but it must be
realized as an “on demand” procedure by reporting the working
machine to operate by robot. For that reason, an idea was
developed to initiate the particular supportive actions with the
assistance of the I/O system (input and output card of the robot
driver). The simplest way of exchanging information is to
exchange the digital signals, therefore the zero-one system
(positive logic) was used to synchronize the steering system of the
EMCO Concept TURN155 working machine with FANUC AM
100iB robot. Fig. 2. shows the I/O multi card (EMCO Robot
Interface), which is used to realize the information exchange
between the control system of the working machine and the outer
control system of the object which is co-operating with it, and
which is responsible for extorting the particular supportive actions
of the working machine. The received information about the
realization of the main program, or also the action of the auxiliary
machine tool, is the basis to starting the suitable subroutines of
robot cycles. On every occasion the ending of the subprogram
generates the suitable information for the extorting of the machine
tool by special instructions in the robot program. Because of such