farmers, have been under misuse for many years. Excessive grazing which compacts the soil and destroys the organic matter is one of the important reasons of kallar formation. As far as community land is concerned, agricul- tural activities on such lands are limited due to the high and continuous imputs required for soil amendment, and many other complications. On such degraded lands agroforestry with multi-purpose trees is the only viable solution. Recently several authors [3-5] have proposed agroforestry on alkali soils but the practical aspects such as the cost of establishing a plantation, management, production, and economic return have completely been neglected. Grewal & Abrol [3] have concluded that the augerhole planting of Acacia nilotica shows promise in alkali soils. However, many plantations of Acacia nilotica established by the augerhole technique in strongly alkali soils showed stagnation after 3 to 4 years. Singh et al. [4] have evaluated the performance of Prosopis juliflora planted using different techniques in alkali soils. They have studied the reclamation in 21 months under the influence of Prosopisjuliflora and also under the combined effects of this tree species inter-planted with Diplachne fusca grass. They found faster reclamation in the latter case but Diplachne fusca needs sustained irrigation, obviously a very costly proposition. The planting procedure on alkali soils is different from the conventional method and involves a high financial input. It is an open question, whether the technical procedure and cost involved in agroforestry on alkali soils are within the reach of the average farmer or community. In any agroforestry system, the economic viability is as important as the reclamation and restoration of soil productivity.