Table 4 The hypothesized species of the Bactrocera dorsalis species complex were tested for species distinctiveness as measured by the Geneious
species delimitation plugin (Masters et al. 2010) and the genealogical sorting index (gsi) (Cummings et al.2008). The species delimitation plugin generates:
average pairwise tree distance between members of the group of interest and its sister taxa (K2Pdistance), P (Randomly Distinct), Clade Support:
Bayesian posterior probability (PP), and Rosenberg’s PAB: Reciprocal monophyly and lastly, the gsi statistic and associated P-value are included. Bold
Values indicates significance, and this was determined by: >1% difference (K2P)/>0.05 [P (Randomly Distinct)]/>0.80 (PP)/>0.008 (gsi). Dataset 2 contained
a concatenation of all specimens for which all six loci were successfully sequenced 235 specimens, 3435 bp alignment. Dataset 5 consisted
of specimens for which at least two of the four loci (i.e. excluding CAD and period) were successfully sequenced (313 specimens, 2221 bp)