Around 7% of the water surface of the reservoir named “El
Negret” (Fig. 8) was used as a real scale prototype in order to check
the behaviour of the system and make the appropriate technical
and experimental changes.
The reservoir is located in Agost, a town near Alicante (East of
Spain). The earth reservoir was covered with a high density polyethylene
(HDPE) geomembrane. The reservoir has a slope section of
2.8 Horizontal/1.00 Vertical, maximum slope height of 5 m and
maximum water storage capacity of 20,000 m3.
The prototype was installed in August 2009 and up to now its
global performance has been highly satisfactory. For a peak power
of 22.27 kWp the yearly energy yield was 28,349 kWh which corresponds
to a performance ratio of 71.45%.
The in-situ performance of the system has served to verify the
feasibility of the solution as well as the following issues: