Another international example of educational reform comes from The Royal
Society of the Arts (RSA) in Great Britain. This organization has responded to the
changing demands of the 21st century by launching an educational campaign called,
Opening Minds. In 1999, the RSA launched this framework based on eight years of
educational research in teaching specific student competencies. The overarching goals for
this educational reform initiative in Great Britain have been to prepare young people for
the uncertain social and economic demands of the future. The Opening Minds
Framework emphasizes practices and standards that will engage students to become
lifelong learners. The organization advocated a student-centered approach to learning that
integrates educational standards and competencies that are needed to be successful
workers and responsible citizens. Competencies such a meta-cognitive skills, citizenship
and global awareness are examples of skills that the RSA feels are integral for 21st
century success. They reiterated the development of a new digital literacy for 21st century
learners. Along with the technology skills, the RSA believes that self-directional skills
such as managing time, handling change as well as high order thinking skills are needed
in all school curricula and offer the resources for schools to implement these components
in their school organizations. The RSA continues to champion the pedagogical shift that
21st century educational preparedness is more than low-level understanding.