Syncytins are genes of retroviral origin that have been co-opted by mammalian hosts for a function in placentation. Two such genes have already been identified in simians, as well as two distinct, unrelated ones in Muridae and a fifth in the rabbit.
Here we searched for similar genes in the guinea pig, which belongs to the Caviomorpha lineage within the Hystricognathi suborder of rodents and displays a placental structural organization with several characteristic features comparable to those of the human organ, including deep trophoblast invasion of maternal tissues.
An in silico search for envelope (env) genes with full coding capacity identified a candidate gene that showed specific expression in the placenta, as revealed by RT-qPCR using RNAs from a large panel of tissues. This gene belongs to an endogenous retroviral element present at a single-copy in the guinea pig genome, still displaying a retroviral organization – with a degenerate gag and pol, but an intact env gene. In situ hybridization of guinea pig placenta sections demonstrated specific expression at the level of the invasive trophoblast-containing junctional zone, as observed in humans for syncytin-1 and consistent with a role in invasion of the maternal uterine tissues. The identified gene displays a conserved open reading frame in the Caviomorpha, consistent with an entry date >30 million years, and sequence analyses showed purifying selection of the gene. Conclusively, despite the absence of a demonstrated fusogenic activity, it is likely that the identified env gene – that we named syncytin-like env-Cav1 – exerts a physiological function possibly related to trophoblast invasion, in the course of caviomorph placentation.