What is your current employment status?
Self-Employed; Business Owner
Employed full-time
Employed part-time
Full-time homemaker
Temporarily unemployed
Active military
Do you drive a car regularly?
Yes, I own a car/cars
Yes, I have access to a car/cars
Yes, I lease/have a company car
No, I don't have access to a car
Please choose the options that best describe your household:
I am pregnant/expecting a child within the next 9 months
I have one or more children under the age of 18 living in my household
I have one or more children aged 18 or older living in my household
I have no children living in my household and I am not pregnant/expecting a child within the next 9 months
How often do you go to the movie theater?
Less than once a month
One time per month
Two times per month
Three times per month
Four times per month
Five or more times per month
I don't go to movie theaters
Prefer not to answer
If you stated that you have been diagnosed with diabetes, can you define the type of diabetes?
Diabetes Type 1
Diabetes Type 2
Prefer not to answer
I don't have diabetes