The pizza crust recipe included 400 g of wheat flour, 3 g of sucrose,
and 6 g of NaCl and 20 g of yeast for bakery products (Levital,
Spain). The ingredients were kneaded manually for 5 min and the
dough produced was left rising for 6 h at room temperature. Then,
itwas divided in small balls of approximately 40 g each, which were
rolled out using a rolling pin. The pizzas were inoculated with
500 mL of a suspension containing 1 105 conidia/mL A. parasiticus
CECT 2681. Conidial concentrationwas measured by optical density
at 600 nm and adjusted to 105 conidia/mL in PDB as reported Kelly
et al. (2006). Inoculated pizzas received one of the following antimicrobial