I asked: “Network marketing?” and Romeo responded: “Cryptocurrency!” I jumped!
As an economist, I knew this to be the future in money and banking, so, immediately I invited them to my table at the hotel restaurant, where I just ordered dinner for myself so I could learn more about the opportunity! I went through Romeo's powerpoint presentation, speed reading my way through it, highly interested in the concept of a cryptocurrency business opportunity! Since Richard invited me to do the presentation the next week, without even having attended one! No problem for me! I started diligently researching cryptocurrencies around the clock till dawn, to prepare my presentation! For me, I saw clearly, cryptocurrencies represented freedom for God's People, and the largest transference of wealth in history, according to Biblical Prophecy: “The wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous” (Prov 13, 22), I envisioned this very clearly. Only thing is, it sure wouldn't be via OneCoin... But I would very soon discover that out for myself!
The first month, I spoke each week on the power of cryptocurrencies and did basic training on network marketing as it all seemed convoluted to me the OneCoin business model, which sounded more like some slot machine games: “Double your tokens - Double Your Coins, Double Your Power to Ching-a-Ching-Ching!” Just nonsense-talk, really! There is no real business terminology, foundational concepts or rhyme and reason to the OneCoin madness! Yet people get all worked up about it as though they would become millionaires within 9-12 months, easy-peasy, as they say here in London, or within 2 years when they go public! The promises were egregious and unfounded... And all the while, the goal posts kept shifting! It all sounded very unconvincing! So, finally, the second (and last) month, I began to delve into the OneCoin business model to try and make heads or tails out of this nonsense, dissecting slide by slide, as I perfected the powerpoint presentation. I went through each slide, researching every iota of what was stated to ensure everything was based on the truth and hard core evidence before I would begin to promote this to my prospects. When lo and behold, I realized everything was a bald-faced lie!
I had already organized, through a Leadership Training Week in Dubai the end of that second and final month I was with them (April-end, 2016), and had invited some key players. I was going to work with them, and send them back to launch their respective countries so we could take OneCoin worldwide... That was the initial plan.... However, that fateful week everything became crystal clear, and I pulled the plug on us doing the business, informing my leaders we would not be doing it after all, as OneCoin was nothing but a mega-scam, it was clear!