3) Unsolicited Advertising: Cloud providers will focus on users with unsolicited advertising. The accumulation of usage data by the providers may be of value for onward selling to third parties, though it may be anonymized. The inclusion of appropriate clauses in the contract may minimize the risk of abuse.
The population in Saudi Arabia is growing very fast and the Saudi Arabian government has mandated universities in the Kingdom to provide an education to all citizens. Saudi government has made a lot of effort to enhance educational system over the last five years by introducing development initiatives and building numerous universities. Therefore, the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) works to create, regulate, and enforce law penetrating the higher education system in KSA. According to Saudi higher education ministry, the current number of the students in Saudi universities is about a million students this year. The LMS/CMS is an e- learning platform which is considered as an important part of e-learning solutions from the university's viewpoint but LMS is software that automates the administration of training events. This paper presents educational cloud computing as a new trend for e-learning in KSA and shows how universities and institutions can take advantage of the cloud not only in terms of cost but also efficiency, security, reliability and portability. Several examples of cloud computing in education such as Microsoft, Google App, IBM, Amazon and others were provided and a case study of the applications was presented and explored in more details. The future challenges to this new trend including problems and risks have been also discussed. We believe that cloud computing opens a new era in education and e-learning because it provides a flexible, cost- effective and efficient infrastructure that universities and institutions can deploy to allow their faculty, staff and students accomplish their work better and faster than ever.