boycott = if you do not do something that you normally do = an act of protest
bury = to put somebody who has died in a grave
celebrate =here: remember, honour
character = all the qualities that a person has
civil rights = the rights that every person should have
Civil Rights Act = an American law that says every person should be treated equally, whatever their colour or religion
content =subject; what is in something
equal = the same
faith = something that you believe in
force = to make somebody do something
former = earlier
grade = school year
graduate = to finish your school
incident = an important or unusual event
involved = to be a part of something
is to be = wants to be
jail = prison
judge =give your opinion
law =a set of rules in a country
mighty = great, powerful
minister = a priest in a church
molehill =a small pile of earth made by an animal that lives in the ground
mourn = to feel sad after a person has died
movement =a group of people who have the same beliefs and work together
Nobel Peace Prize = a prize that is given to a person who has worked a lot for peace
opinion = what you think about a subject
opportunity = chance
owner = a person who something belongs to
poverty = if a person is poor
racist = a person who believes that their own skin colour is better than others
receive = get
rights =something that you are officially allowed to do
riot = people who protest against something by fighting
separate = divide
share =here: to have the same...
skip =to leave out
snow-capped = the top of the mountain is covered with snow
struggle = fight
success =when you get or can do what you want
sudden = quick, not expected
support = to be for somebody, to help somebody
treat =act towards someone, think of someone
vote =choose someone in an election