Air Hostess or flight attendant. It is tempting and interesting career. Is a dream of many people, but more than likely a career. The flight attendant was not easy Occupation stewardess has a duty to get the service. And facilities to the passengers on the aircraft after all the security devices such as demonstration equipment and provide comfort to the passengers. And to work under pressure due to the relatively large customer service. Thus, a flight attendant will have to look at three important things: First, have a good personality. Body healthy Personality about walking, sitting, standing, or the sight of passengers, the second man to have such a good relationship passengers and beaming optimism and be brilliant at times. And indispensable to the patriotic service the flight attendant must have knowledge of the language and to say - listen in English. Must have self-confidence and can swim. So who is a flight attendant can be a patriotic service have patience and have to qualify based on this.