Understanding the adoption and use of e-training by employees in organisations has been linked to some influencing factors. For example, factors such as availability of resources, perceived cost, computer self-efficacy and perceived support have been identified to have an influence on electronic training adoption in organisations (Rym et al., 2013). These factors are also considered in the present paper due to inconsistencies in results. Furthermore, some of these influencing factors are extended to capture the scenario in the Nigerian environment. In particular, the dimension of availability of resources (technological infrastructure and Internet facilities) is extended to include power supply. It has been stated that for a successful adoption of e-training programme, organisation should ensure the availability of the necessary resources (Psycharis, 2005).The refore, taking Nigerian environment into consideration where power supply is inadequate and because power supply has been observed to play a significant role among other factors in influencing the adoption of technology (Haliso, 2011), it is important to examine the role of power supply in e-training adoption in the Nigerian civil service