In the second teaching period, the average waste generation per
working day was 461.57 kg for the canteen waste and 375.06 kg for
the cleaning waste. The total amount of waste was 836.63 kg of
MW with a standard deviation of 75.43 kg per working day. On
Saturdays the average generation was 256.02 kg/day with a standard
deviation of 129.66 kg/day. Saturday’s waste in the second
period was twice that in the previous period. The reason is that
the monitoring process was carried out near the exams period
and before examination periods there are more students at the
library and study areas on Saturday preparing their examinations.
The average weight per bag was 7.24 kg/bag in the case of the canteen
waste and 4.72 kg/bag in the case of the cleaning waste, with
standard deviations of 2.66 and 2.06 kg/bag respectively. In this
second period the generation rate of MW was 47.02 g/user/working