AThe peels of variety of fruits have gained attention as a natural source of antioxidants and phytochemical con- tent which are rich in compounds with free radical scav- nging activity. Banana and Plantain peels are major ag- ricultural wastes which have been used as medicine, animal feeds, blacking of leathers, soap making, fillers in rubber and so on[5]. Fruit wastes are highly perishable and seasonal and are a problem to the processing indus- tries and pollution monitoring agencies. This problem can be recovered by utilizing its high value compounds, in cluding the dietary fibre fraction that has a great potential in the preparation of functional foods[6]. Banana peel, an underutilized source of phenolic compounds is considered as a good source of antioxidants for foods and functional foods against cancer and heart disease[7]. The peel of the fruit contains various antioxidant compounds such as gallocatechin[7] and dopamine[6]