appropriate. Students were also motivated by productivity aspects, such as being organised, with a few commenting on being dependent on their laptop for managing their study responsibilities.
Findings from this study also indicated that lecturers’ teaching styles could both motivate and demotivate students, whilst several other aspects relating to lecturers were also considered by students to be motivating (e.g., guiding, inspiring). The education students in Class 1 commented specifically on the impact of good lessons and their lecturers on their motivation to learn and, particularly, on the value of receiving clear direction as to what they need to be studying to succeed. Students in this class were also supported by podcasts on motivation designed to build an awareness of motivation in learning through metacognition, that is, becoming aware of their learning processes through reflecting on their learning. Students found these podcasts to be a helpful resource. The usefulness of podcasts for the encouragement of metacognitive thinking has been previously documented by McLoughlin, Lee, and Chan (2006).