1. The contractor must submit the following requirements within 14 days prior to the event date…
1.1. Agenda
1.2. Floor plan and set up layout
1.3. Equipment requirement
1.4. Electricity requirement
1.5. On-site contact person and (his/her) mobile number
* The hotel security staff will meet with the on-site contact person upon arrival to consign the meeting area to be under responsibility of the contractor.
2. On-site contractor and all of the contractor’s employees must contact the hotel timekeeper to exchange individual identity card with the contractor badge. The contractor badge must be worn at all time when working in the premises. Otherwise, the security staff has the right not to permit the entry to the premises.
3. The security staff is granted for the right to inspect while loading and unloading of goods / equipments in and out of the premises for safety and security reason.
4. Dress code for the contractor’s employees is the contractor’s company uniform or consisting of minimum attire of shirt, trousers and shoes (flip-flop and sandal are not allowed).
5. The contractor and the contractor’s employees are only permitted to work within designated area. Smoking, dining, and resting are not allowed in the premises except for the area assigned by the hotel.
6. Unacceptable behavior such as fighting, swearing and etc. will not be tolerated.
7. The contractor and the contractor’s employees are only allowed to use the hotel staff restrooms located in the back-of-the-house area on 4th floor.
8. The contractor is not allowed to use any of the hotel equipments unless it was approved by the hotel.
9. The contractor shall manage adequate manpower to handle own equipment and set up.