nanasemaru and her curious friends!
right , in this program ...
i , the animal - loving nishino nanase ,
will actually watch the animal and interact with them ...
to learn about the nature of these animals .
since it's a bit lonely to do this by myself , i have called over a partner . it's this person :
shibata -san from untouchable .
- onegai shimasu !
ัyoroshiku !
i'm thankful to be here for nishino - san's first mc
i also love animal myself !
let's learn a lot -
leaving behind shibata's enthusiasm ...
in this program , nishini and her guest will interact with various animals .
based on that experience , they'll make realistic animal pictorials
the first friends they interact with are alpacas , that have a characteristic fluffy fur .
presenting their beloved hay , interaction challenge !
right , with this ... ah , wow
right now , with this kind of -
so they come at their own accord
giving it or not doesn't even matter anymore
you're treating it as if it's your own meal .
this might be their breakfast they're so hungry
it'slike .. if you usually see alpacas , they're cute , but
if you look closer ' it's like documentary footage
it's fluffy
this is first time l've touched one .
oh , really
in the camel family , they're the only ones without upper incisors
ah , why is that ?
on top ...
their gums are really tough .
it's made especially for grinding .
so instead of having teeth , they grew stronger gums .
but their ...
leaving alpca wisdom at that ...
next up , we move to the space of the african elephant .
you can even interact with the large elephant by feeding them here .
right , then ..
wait , how will it eat it ?
is it gonna use it's snout ?
is it using it's snout
it's nostrils ...
it's so dexterous !
it's like a hand .
it is .
it just eats it whole
seeing it' up close really helps you learn a lot about it
it's like the nose is an animal on it's own
right ?
the next thing they'll give to the african elephant is this solf tofu
what kind of tactics will the elephant show ?
well then , extend it a little bit .
it's definitely going to break !
it's smelling it . it's taking in the smell !
over here , over here .
wow ! wait ...
wow !
it didn't fall apart at all
seriously ?
it inhaled while it was trying to grasp it .
it's amazing
it suprised me !
it's suction force is remarkable !
i also brought these ...
pasta ?
right , this is pasta
let's see if it can pick up something this thin .