Fuel: The Kettle Falls plant is designed to burn approximately 500,000 t/yr of 50% moisture wood waste. Fuel consists of
bark, sawdust, shavings, and slabs—milling by-products from about 15 log processing plants in northeast Washington,
southeast British Columbia, and northern Idaho, approximately a 100-mi radius. The economic haul distance is longer in cases where backhauls are possible. The average fuel higher heating value (HHV) is about 4,700 Btu/lb as received.
The average one-way haul from suppliers under contract is about 46 mi. Average transportation costs were estimated in
1983 at 10.8¢/t-mi. Average delivered fuel costs were estimated in 1983 to be about $12/green t (approximately
$1.40/MBtu). The supply of hog fuel generated by the lumber mills in the Kettle Falls area continues to be more than
adequate. The plant has had to curtail fuel deliveries from major suppliers at times. The mills in Canada are generating
more biomass fuel than ever, as environmental restrictions on wigwam burning are tightened