Kay turned to Michael excitedly. "You didn't tell me your family knew Johnny Fontane,' she said. helped sure. Do you want to meet him?" Michael smiled. "My father him to become famous. "He did? How?' At that moment, Johnny Fontane began to sing. Let's listen to the song, Michael tried to change the subject. and "Please Michael.' Kay said impatiently, reaching across the ta squeezing his hand. Tell me. well, Johnny is my fathers godson. When Johnny was beginning to become popular, he had a problem with his boss, a band-leader. Johnny wanted to leave the band, but this man wouldn't let him. So Johnny asked my father to help My father went to see the band-leader and offered him s10,000 to let Johnny go. He said no. The next day my father went to see him with Luca Brasi. One hour later, the band-leader let Johnny go. For S1,000. Kay looked confused. "How did he do that?" "My father made him an offer he couldn't refuse. Luca held a gun to his head and my father told him that if he didn't agree to let Johnny go. Luca would blow his brains out. At first Kay didn't say anything. She thought Michael was joking. But Michael wasn't smiling. "That's a true story, Kay, he said quietly. Then he saw Kay beginning to look worried, a little frightened, so he squeezed her hand and added quickly: That's my family, Kay. That's not me. I don't know what to do, Godfather. "Johnny Fontane sat on the corner of the desk in Don Corleone's dark office and shook his head helplessly Don Corleone was sitting in his leather chair, listening carefully to his favourite godson. He had, after all, travelled two thousand miles from California to be at his