2.2.The TTCC Featured the Following
(1) Show examinee three wooden colored cards (red,
blue, and yellow, each five centimeters square and five
millimeters thick) and confirmthat the examinee can
distinguish the colors.
(2) Explain to the examinee as follows: “I’ll show you a
figure for five seconds, please remember it. I’ll ask
you to make the same figure from memory later
using these three cards. Do you understand?” If the
examinee understands, hide the cards and proceed to
the next step. If the examinee does not understand,
explain again.
(3) Present the card showing the three colored squares
in a certain arrangement (model: one of 3 models
was shown to the examinee; Figure 1) for five seconds
and then hide it quickly. Ask the examinee to repeat the sets of numbers immediately in reverse sequence
(“4-1-7”, “5-2-4-9”).
(4) After the examinee has done this, stack the three cards
and hand them to the examinee. Ask the examinee
“Please make the same figure I showed you earlier.”
Allow one minute to complete the task.