I have a friend who, with every ounce of obsession in him, would quite like to see Steven Gerrard crushed by a comet. He's not a man energised by what we consider normal Premier League prejudices. If Liverpool or Manchester United were on the TV, he'd as likely go channel-hopping for some low-watt GAA game unspooling in semi-darkness against a stark, breeze-block backdrop.
His drug is Dublin football, a topic upon which he can be epically one-eyed and combustible. On just about everything else, he finds the generosity to listen. Except when it comes to Stevie G.
So, some time ago, we declared an armistice in that regard. You see, his antipathy towards Gerrard runs in parallel lines to my admiration. In other words, he is hopelessly wrong, I am right and, in the interests of civility, it's best not to keep re-iterating that reality.
Where he regarded Gerrard's "we go again!" on-pitch call to arms last April as little more than a Sky-motivated conceit, I considered it an illustration of real leadership in a climate of mounting giddiness.
That Gerrard's subsequent slip against Chelsea was, effectively, the moment Liverpool's title bid curdled thus brought the season to a perfect end for this, em, friend of mine. He saw it as some kind of perverse karma, the gods humiliating a fake.
I still regard it as wretched injustice.
My own affection for Liverpool dates back to a Tipperary childhood in which the hurling 'famine', formally declared over by Richie Stakelum in '87, had the county in a stranglehold. Tipp's woes happened to coincide with the most glorious period in Liverpool's history.
- See more at: http://www.independent.ie/opinion/columnists/vincent-hogan/stevie-gs-reds-will-go-again-while-united-windowshop-30512003.html#sthash.1kJp0NXk.dpuf
I have a friend who, with every ounce of obsession in him, would quite like to see Steven Gerrard crushed by a comet. He's not a man energised by what we consider normal Premier League prejudices. IF Liverpool or Manchester United were on The TV, As He'd likely Go Channel-Hopping for some Low-Watt GAA Game unspooling in Semi-Darkness against a STARK, Breeze-Block Backdrop. SHARE TO GO Dublin His Drug is Football, a. topic upon which he can be epically one-eyed and combustible. On just about everything else, he finds the generosity to listen. Except When IT Comes to Stevie G. So, some time ago, We declared an armistice in that Regard. You see, his antipathy towards Gerrard runs in parallel lines to my admiration. In Other Words, He is hopelessly Wrong, I AM Right and, in The interests of civility, IT's best Not to Keep Re-iterating that Reality. Where He regarded Gerrard's "We Go Again!". on-Pitch call to Arms Last April As Little more than a Sky-motivated conceit, I considered IT an illustration of Real Leadership in a Climate of mounting giddiness. That Gerrard's Subsequent slip against Chelsea was, Effectively, The Moment Liverpool's title Bid curdled thus. brought the season to a perfect end for this, em, friend of mine. He Saw IT As some Kind of perverse karma, The Gods humiliating a fake. I Still Regard IT As wretched injustice. My own Affection for Liverpool Dates back to a Tipperary Childhood in which The hurling 'famine', formally declared over by Richie Stakelum in. '87, had the county in a stranglehold. Tipp's woes Happened to coincide with The Most glorious period in Liverpool's history. - See more at:
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