This period was between 1913-1940. The main reason this are form came round was because of the Russian revolution. The belief was that the art was no longer for art sack and it was a marriage of practical art with beauty.
This movement or art affected the Bauhaus and modern art of today. The art was shown in architecture, graphic and industrial as well as music and theater and fashion.
Some of the well-known artist of this time was people like Vladimir tatlin, Kashmir malevic, and Alexandra exter and lissitsky radchenko.
Next we looked at two videos in the lesson. Both of these showed straight line work and pieces of work made by line’s and boxes, squares and used red black and white which were the colours of the political party at the time.
The Russian revolution that influenced the work was all about women’s rights and equality and the miss treatment of works. The art supported this as it was different and was people’s expressions. Also the art was bright and bold to put out a point. Pieces like the propaganda above were for women’s rights. These were simple used the parties colours and the lack of stuff and simple shapes helped get straight down to the point. Also the posters weren’t telling you what to do they were a point of view.
The difference however between the work that the Bauhaus did that was influenced by this art movement was that the Russians art was made to make a point unlike the Bauhaus who focused more on the idea of practical art.
The Russian art was going again the government and its views it was there to put serious messages across. It was an internal war within Russia against the socialists and the communists, which were the political parties of the time.
Constructivists wanted art to have more meaning and believed the old art forms didn’t do this. The reasons also for the straight lines was because these shapes were more serious to show the art was to put across a serious point and also especially in the top picture gave more impact and helped show it as the women shouting.
Some examples of Russian constructivist art are thing like obey shown above which was simple and bold shapes and was art made to look like propaganda.
Overall Russian constructivism was a loud art form, which was used to broadcast, peoples views and was more about the message then the art. The art form was influenced by the Russian revolution, which made the art serious and made to put a message across.
The Russian constructivist art was also modern and is still used in things today like obey art and was made to be mass produced like the Bauhaus’s work.