Thank you for your email.
Please could you confirm the name of the online class you have joined on the Q Second Edition Online Practice website? I can then help you to log in to your online practice. Would you like me to change your registered email address to for you to make it easier for you to log in in the future?
Thanks and best wishes,
Peter Clarke
Online Support Content Author
Oxford University Press
Tel: +44 (0)1865 354500
--Original Message--
Date: 10/8/2015 4:55:02 AM
Subject: Please help me fix the problem about access code
To whom it may concerned,
My name is Autthapong, a Thai student using your coursebook, Q: Skills for Success Reading and Writing (1A).
I registered your with the email "" and my account has been appeared in the class I added (My teacher showed me this evidence).
Unfortunately, once i would like to access to do the exercises online, i have a problem with my account and password.
I tired to figure out what my email's password is so that i could get the password, but i could not even access that aforementioned email.
Is it possible if you could fix this problem for me?
My student access code in the course book i bought is S-744-705-9870.
Thank you very much for your kindness and assistance.
Best regards,