What is the most masochistic thing you’ve ever done?
You must mean the stupidest thing I have ever done, LOL. Well, once a friend of mine challenged me to do 50 naked pushups over top of a bunch of mousetraps. Now, I’m not a gym rat and I don’t think I’ve ever done 50 pushups in my life, but of course I accepted. Well, I made it to 43 and got stuck–I couldn’t go up and didn’t want to go down—but then my “good” friend stepped on my bare ass and down I went. There were about 10 traps all strategically placed, but only two connected. The first one caught the head of my dick, and the second pinched my ball sack and split it open. I didn’t even know I was bleeding at first because my dick head hurt so bad, but man, ball sacks bleed like a stuck pig!