1.2. Healthcare funding in New Zealand
An unusual dichotomy of public healthcare funding exists
in New Zealand between illness and injury. Illness is funded
through a bulk grant from the Ministry of Health to the various
District Health Boards which run hospitals and subsidise
family practice in their respective geographic areas.
There is no fee for service in respect of inpatient treatment.
Injury care is funded by the “ACC” (actually the Accident
Compensation, Insurance and Rehabilitation Corporation).
The ACC derives its funds from levies on employers, employees,
motor vehicle drivers, sportspeople and others who
are deemed to be likely to need injury care. Bulk grants are
made to public hospitals to fund the first 7 days of injury care whereas post-acute injury care is funded in private hospitals
and private specialist and general practice on a fee for
service basis. While much injury care is carried out in public
hospitals after the first 7 days, the option exists for alternative
care in many cases. While the difference between injury
and illness is obvious in the extreme, when it comes to situations
like inguinal herniae, or acute on chronic back pain,
the difference is less clear. Many legal proceedings have
been used to define what is an injury and what is an illness.
Prehospital injury care is also funded differently from
illness. Ambulance services are given a bulk grant to deal
with illness cases whereas injury cases are funded on a fee
for service basis by ACC for both road and air transport.
1.2. Healthcare funding in New ZealandAn unusual dichotomy of public healthcare funding existsin New Zealand between illness and injury. Illness is fundedthrough a bulk grant from the Ministry of Health to the variousDistrict Health Boards which run hospitals and subsidisefamily practice in their respective geographic areas.There is no fee for service in respect of inpatient treatment.Injury care is funded by the “ACC” (actually the AccidentCompensation, Insurance and Rehabilitation Corporation).The ACC derives its funds from levies on employers, employees,motor vehicle drivers, sportspeople and others whoare deemed to be likely to need injury care. Bulk grants aremade to public hospitals to fund the first 7 days of injury care whereas post-acute injury care is funded in private hospitalsand private specialist and general practice on a fee forservice basis. While much injury care is carried out in publichospitals after the first 7 days, the option exists for alternativecare in many cases. While the difference between injuryand illness is obvious in the extreme, when it comes to situationslike inguinal herniae, or acute on chronic back pain,the difference is less clear. Many legal proceedings havebeen used to define what is an injury and what is an illness.Prehospital injury care is also funded differently fromillness. Ambulance services are given a bulk grant to dealwith illness cases whereas injury cases are funded on a feefor service basis by ACC for both road and air transport.
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