There are a number of reasons why guys should do the asking. First, if girls put in more effort than the guy -- including taking the risk of asking a guy out -- guys mayget lazy.Ladies,you don't want to be the only contributor in the relationship. Make him take the effort toask you for adate.
It's important to remember that chivalry is notdead. Deep down, many girls want someone to sweep her off her feet (or at least hold the door for her on the way into math class.)Many girls fantasize about riding into the sunset with Prince Charming, and according to the story in my head, the guy is the one initiating most of the moves. Romance and passion are essential to relationships, and personally I don't thinkit's romantic to ask a guy out.
I'm not suggesting that women are inferior or clueless and need to be guided by men. But whenaguy makes the first move, you knowthat he likes you enough to muster up the courage to ask for a date.
So if you're a sucker for romance, here's a tip: Give hints andflirt, but let the guy do the asking.