Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) is a fruit plant that belongs to the legume family, native to equatorial Africa, India and Southeast Asia and grows in tropical and subtropical regions, with ideal average temperature of 25 C. It is considered an ideal tree for semi-arid regions, tolerating 5e6 months in dry conditions but does not
survive at low temperatures (Pereira et al., 2011). There are different varieties of Tamarindus indica and they can be divided into acidic and sweet. Acidic varieties are commonly found in most countries, therefore easily develops into warm, sunny locations. The varieties of sweet type are not readily available. In Thailand, two types of Tamarind are found in abundance, so-called sweet and sour varieties (Sudjaroen et al., 2005). The sweet variety is rarely found in Brazil, but in the interior of Bahia,inthecityofSentoS e,theBebedourofarmhasaplantedarea of “sweet” Tamarind, which is the name that was given to the fruit by not presenting the characteristic acidity of the common