strive to create a structured and harmonious environment.
❍ prefer to let others initiate action.
❍ are inclined to be reserved and conservative.
❍ are rarely impetuous and usually lean towards a more cautious approach.
❍ are comfortable working alone.
❍ tend to take little at face value.
❍ are precise and factual in your relationships.
❍ tend to use your social skills when circumstances dictate.
❍ are patient and persistent.
❍ are usually calm and controlled.
❍ have the ability to deal with the task in hand and to do routine work with
diligence and care.
❍ are comfortable following well-defined procedures and systems in both at
work and at play.
❍ prefer working in a stable and ordered environment.
❍ tend to avoid risk-taking.
❍ prefer sticking to methods that have proven to be successful in the past.
❍ have a high acceptance of rules and regulations