Biennial bearing is a serious economic problem facing mango growers. In the past it has been attributed to the lack of new growth and insufficient carbohydrate and nitrogenous reserves following a year of heavy cropping. The results of our studies conducted over a period of 4 years have shown that ethephon (200 ppm) could be used to induce heavy flowering and fruiting during the “off year” in the notedly biennial bearing cv. ‘Langra’. The spray applications of ethephon should be started during September and continued four to five times at 15–20 days interval. Higher concentrations of ethephon, viz. 500, 1000 and 2000 ppm, induced moderate to heavy leaf abscission in the experimental trees. Consecutive applications of 200 ppm ethephon for a period of 3 years did not show any decline in the vigour and yielding ability of the treated ‘Langra’ mango trees.