Railay has no local community apart from those who perform some type of tourist-related work, so don't expect an "authentic" cultural experience. The overall dynamic is a bit strange really; partying gap year backpackers, flirtatious local longtail drivers, extreme sports enthusiasts, jaded Thai receptionists, national park officials, package Asian tour groups, grass-smoking hippies, chubby beer-guzzling day trippers, super rich holiday makers and poor Burmese labourers all rub shoulders on the paths of Railay.
While the powdery white sand beaches attract boat loads of travellers, Railay is perhaps best known as one of the world's greatet rock-climbing destinations. Over 700 routes are bolted to dozens of sheer rock faces, often with commanding views of the surrounding ocean. For the adventurous, one of the most popular activities in is deep-water soloing, which combines solo rock-climbing and base jumping into pristine blue sea.