the highest in kidney, followed by uterus, and much lower in brain, fat, and hair. Almost all
NiCl2 eliminated from tissues of interest, except kidney, 24 h post i.p.
The cadmium chloride supplements significantly changed nickel chloride distribution in
all examined organs. At 3 h, the NiCl2 distributions in tissues of rats after i.p. with NiCl2 +
CdCl2 were lower in several organs (Fig. 4); the highest distribution was observed in the
kidney (Fig. 4), and the distributions in other organs were relatively low. Twenty-four hours
post i.p., higher distributions, however, were found in brain, lung, bone, liver, kidney,
spleen, heart, muscle, retroperitoneal adipose (fat), intestine, stomach, and gonad, relatively
lower in blood (Fig. 4). The distributions in all organs at 72 h were higher than that at 24 h
(Fig. 4).