Grimpoteuthis are benthic creatures, living basically at the bottom of the ocean at depths of around 3,000-4,000external link m (the average ocean depth is 3,790external link m). Some species alternate between sitting on the ocean floor and swimming above it (benthopelagicexternal link). Others are known to be completely pelagic.external link
Four modes of active locomotion have been observed in dumbo octopuses: crawling, take-off, fin swimming and pumping and one passive mode called umbrella-style drifting. Fin swimming is the mode of locomotion that is most often observed, wherein they use their fins to drift through the water. Grimpoteuthis is known to be neutrally buoyant, which allows the animal to drift passively with its fins expanded. The take-off mode is a sudden, single contraction of the brachial crown (the arms and tentacles surrounding the mouth) and surrounding web. Pumping is a slow mode of locomotion which involves peristaltic waves, which are symmetrical contractions of muscles, in their primary and intermediary webs.