expected within one year, and a long-term provision for those claims expected in more than one year. To comply with
Metrohm Group policy please considered them always as long-term (26’000) provision. First time recognition and subsequent measurement of provisions
· Legal and factual obligations are to be valued regularly. If the outflow of resources becomes probable, a respective
provision must be built.
· The amount of the provision is determined based on an analysis of the respective event as well as on events
occurring after the balance sheet date, insofar the latter contributes to further clarify the circumstances. The amount
has to be estimated in connection with the economic risk; this risk has to be taken into account as objectively as
possible. If the time factor has a significant impact the amount of the provision must be discounted.
· An event occurring after the balance sheet date must be subject to a provision (or the release of a provision), if
occurring events show that the organization had an obligation as of the balance sheet date (has been released from
an obligation) or if it becomes apparent that the organization expects future cash outflows.
· Existing provisions need to be revised at each balance sheet date. Based on this revision the provisions are increased,
remain unchanged or are released.
· Changes in provisions must be recognized in the operating result or in the financial result. In justified exceptions
changes in provisions can be recognized in the non-operating / extraordinary result. The reversal of a provision must
be recognized as part of the same area (operating result, financial result, non-operating / extraordinary result,
income taxes etc.) where its initial creation was recognized.
Examples: Provisions may be required for such items as
o Employee benefits, including: recreation leave (unused vacation or holiday pay) and recreation leave loading, where
the actual amount and particularly the timing of the payment is uncertain.
o Taxes, for example fringe benefits tax, payroll tax and income tax
o Equitable or constructive obligations, where an event creates valid expectations in third parties, based on past
practice, published policy or current statement, that the company will discharge the obligation
o Onerous contracts, where the unavoidable costs of fulfilling a contract exceed the economic benefits to be received
from the contract.
The following are not liability provisions as no present financial obligation exists:
o Allowance for doubtful debts and accumulated depreciation: these are reductions in the value of the relevant asset
classes (contra assets).
o Commitments: are possible obligations that will be confirmed by the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more
uncertain future events.
o Future operating losses: an expectation of future operating losses is not a liability but rather an indication that an
asset or assets may be impaired.
Please distinguish between provision and accrual. A provision is making provision from the profit for a specified or known
expense which is to be met in unknown future. Accrual is income earned but not received or expenses incurred but not spent.