GGGG-G to the D motherfucker Who am I? 내가 서울이다 (I'm the Seoul city) motherfucke rBut divin' on C-momma Its the beat on the come up Get it, huh? 넌 그냥 이거나 먹어 (eat this, motherfucker)
GGGG-G to the D motherfucker Who am I? 내가 서울이다 (I'm the Seoul city) motherfucke rBut divin' on C-momma Its the beat on the come up Get it, huh? 넌 그냥 이거나 먹어 (eat this, motherfucker)
gggg-G เพื่อเวรตะไล D Who am I? 내 가 서 울 이 다 (ฉันเมืองโซล) motherfucke RBut Divin 'ใน C-แม่ ของมันเป็นจังหวะที่มา รับมันฮะ? 넌 그 냥 이 거 나 먹 어 (กินนี้ เวรตะไล)