Uncertainties caused by economic business cycles, consumer demands, and natural and man-made disasters all provide sources for supply chain risks (Tang, 2006). These sources of uncertainty can be categorized as “risk events” that can lead to supply chain disruptions that inhibit overall performance. Handfield and McCormack (2007) defined operational, network, and external factors as categories of supply chain risks. Operational risk is defined as the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people or systems. Quality, delivery, and service problems are examples of operational risks. Network risk is defined as risk resulting from the structure of the supplier network, such as ownership, individual supplier strategies, and supply network agreements. External risk is defined as an event driven by external forces such as weather, earthquakes, political, regulatory, and market forces. Thus, disaster risks are a component of external supply chain risks. The authors offer three perspectives for the examination of risks within supply chain networks. A supplier facing perspective examines the network of suppliers, their markets and their relationship relative to the organization. A customer facing perspective examines the network of customers and intermediaries, their markets and their relationships also relative to the organization. Finally, an internal facing perspective examines the company, their network of assets, processes, products, systems, and people as well as the company’s markets. This research study employs the risk categories offered by Handfield and McCormack along with the supplier facing perspective in the analysis of disaster supply chain risks.