Most SHRM research has concentrated on single, focal organizations and on activities taking placewithinthefirm.ThepurposeofthisarticleistolayafoundationforstudyingSHRMinthe supplychain.Wepresentaframeworkwhichidentifiesfactorsthatinfluencewhetheradopting asupplychainorientation(SCO)iseffective,andarticulatesthecontingenciesthatshapeSHRM practices needed to achieve and capitalize on SCO. We make several contributions to the strategic human resource management and supply chain literatures. First, we highlight this neglected area of research. Second, we expand the boundary conditions of strategic human resource management and HR systems from a primarily single firm, intra-organizational focus to one which includes both intra- and inter-organizational relationships. Third, we provide a framework for understanding the links between HR systems, SCO, and strategic outcomes. Fourth, we build upon previous theorizing in strategic human resource management and provideaframeworkforresearchinthesupplychaincontext.Andfinally,weofferpropositions for future research, along with a decision making model which has implications for both research and management practice.