The addition of LPS increased by two times the amount of
NO. When the EtOAc, chloroform, and hexane fractions were
added to the cells it was not observed any decrease on the NO
production at both concentrations considered. In the case of
the n-butanol fraction it was able to decrease the expression
of NO at 50 lg/mL (P > 0.05). This fraction was selected to
determine its anti-inflammatory dose–response relationship
against NO production. Concentrations of 100, 300, and
600 lg/mL were used (Fig. 2). When the cells exposed to LPS
were treated with 100 lg/mL of the fraction it was observed
a decrease on the NO production, this inhibition was the
same when 300 lg/mL were considered. The highest decrease
was registered at 600 lg/mL.