Reverse logistics are increasingly crucial for the supply chain strategy of global high-tech manufacturing
firms. As reverse logistics operations are significantly more complex than traditional manufacturing supply
chains, many high-tech manufacturers are examining the feasibility of outsourcing reverse logistics activities
to third party logistics providers (3PLs) from a strategic planning perspective. Internal resources and
capabilities are thus examined from a resource-based perspective to identify which reverse logistics service
requirements could be fulfilled in-house or outsourced. Therefore, this work presents a systematic approach
using the analytical network process (ANP) not only to investigate the relative importance of reverse
logistics service requirements, but also to select an appropriate 3PL. Empirical results based on the case of the
TFT-LCD sector in Taiwan indicate that information technology management is of priority concern in reverse
logistics services. In addition to providing a valuable reference for manufacturers concerned with service
requirements for outsourcing, results of this study significantly contribute to the efforts of 3PLs in evaluating
whether they comply with potential customer requirements based on their service capabilities