Broadly defined, we are dealing with the supply and demand of goods and information via an information network. Considering business to customer relations, terms such as online e-commerce or internet commerce are widely used. These concepts cover the sales process, product information handling and invoicing (Li, 2007). They are also included in business to government (B2G) relations, which in logistics and international trade commonly involve customs. Our approach recognizes the importance of information transfer between companies before the product reaches the end-user market. Thus, companies in a logistical chain interact with varying reference groups and with varying methods of information transfer. These interactions produce vital information for customer relationship management (CRM) and supply chain management (SCM), which are interlinked. As part of CRM and SCM, the information exchange processes are in the heart of modern business operations. Data management, storing and interchange are major tools of business development and support services.
Findings – The results show the need to enhance information distribution in B2B operations. In addition, business to government operations rely, to a large extent, on a combination of paper and electronic information distribution. The government interface should also be recognized: customs and information exchange is a major time consumer in international transport.