At first i really fell for u, but lately my feeling just didnt grow, and if carry on like this, im afraid we both will end up hurt more
I actually prefer to talk to u verbally but last few days the time wasnt right to talk, u either went out or i wasnt in the right condition to talk
I didnt want to make u worried, and keep wondering what happened to me,
I dont hav anyone na ka, i was only talking to u and i really wished things would go well for us, but somehow as our relationship developed, my feeling just wouldnt go forward. I let it go naturally, i wouldnt force my feeling to stop or anything. Perhaps im a bit older than u, and i hav gone through many more things and i know what is right and not right for me, what i like and what i dont like,
When i kissed u, i got excited and was full of passion - and it was like i was kissing someone i loved.. but i suddenly lost this passion
There might b reasons but its not anyone's fault
Lets talk more in details mayb tonight if we both r free ka