1. Scope and target of VietGAP
1.1. Scope of VietGAP: The Vietnamese Good Agricultural Practice for production of
fresh fruit and vegetables is aimed at preventing or minimising the risk of hazards which occur
during the production, harvesting and postharvest handling. The hazards covered in VietGAP
include food safety, produce quality, environmental impacts and health, safety and welfare for
Vietnamese workers (VietGAP).
1.2. Target application: VietGAP is designed to assist individual and/or organisation
inside or outsite Vietnam to produce, assess and certify the safety of fruit and vegetables which
are produced in Vietnam under the guidelines of Vietnamese good agricultural practices.
1.3. The purposes of implementation of VietGAP for production of fresh fruit and
vegetables are:
1.3.1. to enhance the responsibility in production and management of food safety of
individual and/or organisation.
1.3.2. to create the approval feasibility of VietGAP food safety for individual and/or
1.3.3. to ensure the transparency, traceability and recall of produce.
1.3.4. to enhance the produce quality and economic efficiency of fruit and vegetable
production in Vietnam.
2. Glossary
2.1. VietGAP are standards and guidelines to assist individuals and/or organisations,
producers and consumers to prevent risks of food safety, produce quality and workers in
production, harvesting and postharvest handling of fresh fruit and vegetables. These also serve to
protect environment and use for product identification, traceability and recall.
2.2. VietGAP for production of fresh fruit and vegetables which was based on
ASEANGAP, EUREPGAP/GLOBALGAP and FRESHCARES is intended to enhance the
harmonization of product standards and facilitate the trade of fruit and vegetables in ASEAN and
the world, towards the establishment of sustainable agriculture in Vietnam.
2.3. Individual and/or organisation means business, trading company, co-op, union and
farmer/grower who produces, trades, audits and certifies commodity of fruit and vegetables in
large-scale under the guidelines of VietGAP.
Chapter II
1. Site assessment and selection
1.1. The risk of contaminating produce with chemical, biological and physical hazards of the site
or from adjoining sites for VietGAP fresh produce is investigated, assessed and conforms
to the law and regulation requirements of local and central governments of Vietnam.
1.2. Site selection: Site for VietGAP fresh produce is satisfied by the Vietnam’s laws and
regulations in terms of environment, soil and water. In the case the site where is unsuitable
for production of fresh produce, remedial action based on scientific knowledge is taken to
manage the risk.
1.3. If the risk of contaminating produce with chemical, biological and physical hazards of the
site is high, unsuitable and unable to control, the site will not be used for VietGAP
production of fresh produce.
2. Planting material
1.1. Planting material is guaranteed for high quality and supplied from licensed suppliers.
1.2. If planting material is produced on a farm, a record is kept of any seed treatment, seedling
treatment, chemical treatment, reasons for use, the date of treatment and operator name. If
planting material is obtained from another farm or nursery, a record is kept of the name of
supplier, the date of supply, quantity of supply and any chemical treatment.
3 Soil and subatrates
3.1. The risk of potential hazards in the soil and substrates shall be analysed and assessed yearly
and will conform to criteria of Vietnam’s environmental legistrations.
3.2. Cultivation practices that minimize soil erosion and degradation shall be used and a record is
3.3. If the soil and substrates need to be treated, the method of treatment is consulted by advisers
(proof of their technical competence is available) and a record is kept.
3.4. Domestic and farm animal that will contaminate ground and water source are excluded from
the production site. If required, domestic and farm animals shall be provided suitable
facilities and a waste management plan is documented to minimise the risk of
contamination of environment and produce.
4. Fertilisers and soil additives
4.1. The risk of chemical, biological and physical contamination of produce from the use of
fertilisers or soil additives is assessed for each crop grown and a record is kept. If a
significant hazard from the use of fertilisers or soil additives is identified, measures are
taken to minimise the risk of contamination of produce.
4.2. Fertilisers and soil additives are selected to minimise the risk of chemical, biological and
physical contamination of produce. Fertilisers and soil additives used on crops are
approved by Vietnamese competent authority where crops are grown and intended to be
4.3. Untreated organic fertilisers are not applied. Where an organic material is treated on the
farm before application, the method, date and duration of the treatment is recorded. If the
product containing organic materials is obtained from off the farm, documentation is
available from the supplier to show that material has been treated to minimise the risk of
contaminating the produce, the method of treatment and date of supply.
4.4. Equipment used to apply fertilisers and soil additives is maintained in clean, working
condition and checked for effective operation frequently (by a technically competent
person). .
4.5. Areas or facilities for storage, mixing, packaging and loading of fertilisers and soil additives
are located, constructed and maintained to minimise the risk of contamination of
production sites and water sources.
4.6. A record of fertilisers and soil additives obtained is kept, detailing the source, product name,
date and quantity obtained.
4.7. The application of fertilisers and soil additives is recorded, detailing the date, name of
product or material used, treatment location, application rate, application method, and
operator name.
1. ขอบเขต และเป้าหมายของ VietGAP1.1. ขอบเขตของ VietGAP: เดอะเวียดนามเกษตรปฏิบัติที่ดีสำหรับการผลิตผักและผลไม้สดมีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อป้องกัน หรือ minimising ความเสี่ยงของอันตรายที่เกิดขึ้นในระหว่างการผลิต เก็บเกี่ยว และการจัดการหลังการเก็บเกี่ยว อันตรายที่ครอบคลุมใน VietGAPรวมถึงความปลอดภัยของอาหาร ผลิตคุณภาพ ผลกระทบต่อสิ่งแวดล้อม และสุขภาพ ความปลอดภัย และสวัสดิการเวียดนามคน (VietGAP)1.2 โปรแกรมประยุกต์เป้าหมาย: VietGAP ถูกออกแบบมาเพื่อช่วยเหลือบุคคลหรือองค์กรภายใน หรือ outsite เวียดนามการผลิต ประเมิน และรับรองความปลอดภัยของผักและผลไม้ซึ่งมีผลิตในเวียดนามภายใต้แนวทางของเวียดนามดีเกษตรปฏิบัติการ1.3.วัตถุประสงค์ของการใช้งานของ VietGAP ผลิตของผลไม้ และผักมี:1.3.1 เพื่อเพิ่มความรับผิดชอบในการผลิตและการจัดการความปลอดภัยอาหารบุคคลหรือองค์กร1.3.2 เพื่อสร้างโครงการอนุมัติ VietGAP อาหารปลอดภัยสำหรับบุคคล และ/หรือองค์กร1.3.3 เพื่อให้แน่ใจว่าความโปร่งใส ตรวจสอบย้อนกลับ และเรียกคืนของผลิต1.3.4 เพื่อเพิ่มประสิทธิภาพการผลิตคุณภาพและประสิทธิภาพทางเศรษฐกิจของผลไม้และผักผลิตในเวียดนาม 2. อภิธานศัพท์2.1. VietGAP มีมาตรฐานและแนวทางการช่วยเหลือบุคคลหรือองค์กรผู้ผลิตและผู้บริโภคเพื่อป้องกันความเสี่ยงของความปลอดภัยของอาหาร ผลิตคุณภาพและผู้ปฏิบัติงานในการจัดการการผลิต การเก็บเกี่ยว และการหลังของผักและผลไม้สด เหล่านี้ยังให้บริการprotect environment and use for product identification, traceability and recall.2.2. VietGAP for production of fresh fruit and vegetables which was based onASEANGAP, EUREPGAP/GLOBALGAP and FRESHCARES is intended to enhance theharmonization of product standards and facilitate the trade of fruit and vegetables in ASEAN andthe world, towards the establishment of sustainable agriculture in Vietnam.2.3. Individual and/or organisation means business, trading company, co-op, union andfarmer/grower who produces, trades, audits and certifies commodity of fruit and vegetables inlarge-scale under the guidelines of VietGAP.Chapter IIGOOD AGRICULTURAL PRACTICES FOR PRODUCTION OF FRESH FRUIT ANDVEGETABLE (VietGAP)1. Site assessment and selection1.1. The risk of contaminating produce with chemical, biological and physical hazards of the siteor from adjoining sites for VietGAP fresh produce is investigated, assessed and conformsto the law and regulation requirements of local and central governments of Vietnam.1.2. Site selection: Site for VietGAP fresh produce is satisfied by the Vietnam’s laws andregulations in terms of environment, soil and water. In the case the site where is unsuitablefor production of fresh produce, remedial action based on scientific knowledge is taken tomanage the risk.1.3. If the risk of contaminating produce with chemical, biological and physical hazards of thesite is high, unsuitable and unable to control, the site will not be used for VietGAPproduction of fresh produce.2. Planting material1.1. Planting material is guaranteed for high quality and supplied from licensed suppliers.1.2. If planting material is produced on a farm, a record is kept of any seed treatment, seedlingtreatment, chemical treatment, reasons for use, the date of treatment and operator name. Ifplanting material is obtained from another farm or nursery, a record is kept of the name ofsupplier, the date of supply, quantity of supply and any chemical treatment.3 Soil and subatrates3.1. The risk of potential hazards in the soil and substrates shall be analysed and assessed yearlyand will conform to criteria of Vietnam’s environmental legistrations.3.2. Cultivation practices that minimize soil erosion and degradation shall be used and a record iskept.3.3. If the soil and substrates need to be treated, the method of treatment is consulted by advisers(proof of their technical competence is available) and a record is kept.3.4. Domestic and farm animal that will contaminate ground and water source are excluded fromthe production site. If required, domestic and farm animals shall be provided suitablefacilities and a waste management plan is documented to minimise the risk ofcontamination of environment and produce. 4. Fertilisers and soil additives4.1. The risk of chemical, biological and physical contamination of produce from the use offertilisers or soil additives is assessed for each crop grown and a record is kept. If asignificant hazard from the use of fertilisers or soil additives is identified, measures aretaken to minimise the risk of contamination of produce.4.2. Fertilisers and soil additives are selected to minimise the risk of chemical, biological andphysical contamination of produce. Fertilisers and soil additives used on crops areapproved by Vietnamese competent authority where crops are grown and intended to betraded. 4.3. Untreated organic fertilisers are not applied. Where an organic material is treated on thefarm before application, the method, date and duration of the treatment is recorded. If theproduct containing organic materials is obtained from off the farm, documentation isavailable from the supplier to show that material has been treated to minimise the risk ofcontaminating the produce, the method of treatment and date of supply.4.4. Equipment used to apply fertilisers and soil additives is maintained in clean, workingcondition and checked for effective operation frequently (by a technically competentperson). .4.5. Areas or facilities for storage, mixing, packaging and loading of fertilisers and soil additivesare located, constructed and maintained to minimise the risk of contamination ofproduction sites and water sources.4.6. A record of fertilisers and soil additives obtained is kept, detailing the source, product name,date and quantity obtained.4.7. The application of fertilisers and soil additives is recorded, detailing the date, name ofproduct or material used, treatment location, application rate, application method, andoperator name.
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