The BW gain of diabetic rats fed ABP and control rats
were similar (Table 3). Daily food intakes of ABP-fed rats
were lower than those of control rats (P b .05) but higher
than those of normal rats (P b .05). The food efficiency ratios
representing body weight gain relative to food intake were
the same for both ABP-fed and control rats, but their ratios
were significantly lower than that observed in normal rats
(P b .05). Daily water intakes of diabetic rats fed ABP was
significantly reduced compared with those of diabetic
control rats (P b .05), whereas water intakes for both groups
were significantly increased compared with normal rats (P b
.05). Both kidney and liver weights were lower in rats fed
ABP than in control diabetic rats (P b .05). There was no difference between groups with respect to spleen and
pancreas weights (data not shown).