but basically when which is a local area network
this is how you know
if your network is a lame all the computers are in close
distance to each other in there you see in the same house
or same building again the building could be either a house or a high school
or even you know small business so say that this is a small
business rehear this would be an example
love our lawn now why would you want land why would you want to connect our
in high school or you know even in your home
well its good say this was a college
would be really good for sharing printers and that's how colleges
whenever they connect them in this type of network that's why every
you know computer in a computer lab it doesn't need its own
Criner so that's one you know very useful technique oval am
another thing is you know if this was your house in you know maybe your mom
and dad had a computer maybe your sister had a computer in you had a laptop
we could do is you could actually hope this up to the same
server or to him
quiet trying to teach you and basically all love you guys can store your
illegal movies on that same one server
so that's a really handy many ways good for sharing things in small
or the same building in the close vicinity
in these are usually connected by cable or wireless