As an architect, I can construct workable holiday homes, commercial buildings, or airports; l can build flats with good floor plans at affordable prices; l can design theaters, art museums, or show rooms that make an impact; I can apply forms to my buildings that satisfy the need for innovation or novelty, status or lifestyle. lt is not easy to do those things. It takes work. And talent. And more work. But that alone is not enough to come up with compelling, successful architecture born of those special moments of personal architectural experience, and it makes me wonder: can l, as an architect, invest what l design with whatever it is that actually constitutes the essence of an architectural atmosphere? Can l create that unique feeling of intensity and mood, of presence, well-being, rightness and beauty? ls it possible to give concrete shape to that which defines the magic of the real at a specific moment, to the spell that it casts on my experience of it conjuring a quality that I would never otherwise experience?